Friday, December 2, 2011

Aftermath of Southern California Wind Storm December 1st 2011

I have lived on the east coast and none of the hurricanes I experienced were as bad as the wind storm I just experienced.  Luckily our power was restored quickly after we lost power 6 times.  We are on the same power grid as the hospital so we always seem to get restored first.   It started late wednesday night around pm and just intensified.  I couldn't see anything flying about but I could hear the tents of the Christmas tree lot across the street being ripped off poles clamouring, sirens all night trees and  branches breaking the whole house shaking in the 97 mph winds.  It was the scariest night ever zero sleep.  In the morning this is what we found just in the one block where I live.  We couldn't get out we were being diverted to other streets and I drove around in a loop about 1 mile square it took me an hour.
Here are the pictures.  I don't think they do the destruction justice.