Saturday, November 9, 2013

Guest Instructor for Holiday Cheer at Pages from the Heart in Monrovia, CA

Hi Everyone,

I will be a guest instructor for Holiday Cheer 2013.  This is an event not to miss.  If you love handmade touches for your gift giving then Holiday Cheer is the place to be.  On November 16 & 17 you will see at least a dozen great ideas for the holidays.  Make adorable tags for your packages or  wine bottles.  There is a darling Snowman card and the purrrfect treat boxes for your furry family members.  Great ideas for your secret Santa, Mail Man, or Baby Sitter.  So please come and play, have some cider and a Christmas cookie or two at Pages from the Heart at 137 E. Colorado Blvd in Monrovia. The format is similar to an Open House.  Hope to see you there!  Julie 

PS Here are a couple of the projects I'll be teaching.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Hi Everyone!

I know that I have been giving you some instructions on how to make flowers whether my own creation, Youtube videos, or whatever I can find.  Well today I am still about flowers and plants.
I always knew that the by product of plant photosynthesis is Oxygen.  Therefore, plants are very good to have around.  What I didn't know is that certain types of plants are great for cleaning the air in our homes and offices.  Some actually bust up toxins found in our homes everyday.  Start getting healthier just by reading this article I found online yesterday.  Just click on the link.  Thanks!  Julie

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

It has been a long time but as promised here are some more videos for different coffee filter flowers.