Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year From Pasadena

It is actually January 2nd, but the Rose Parade in Pasadena is today.  Last night my Husband and I went to visit our friend Susan who lives a block over from Orange Grove.   This is the magical street that holds the Valley Hunt Club and the Wriggley Mansion also known as Tournament House.  This is the step off for the most wonderful Parade in the world.  Macy's may have their balloons but Pasadena has amazing flowers, seeds, spices and technology.  They are totally amazing.  These Floats are built in other places like in Azusa 10 miles away.  They need to be driven to orange grove so bridges and street width all play a factor.  These float disassemble or fold themselves to accomodate.  Engineering feats of magic.  We went to preview the floats last night, what a blast.  I am up early so I can post these pictures before the parade is under way in another 45 minutes.   

That me doing the Rose Queen Wave

                                   The Sierra Madre Float is completely made by volunteers  
                                    This is folded over so it can avoid wires ect.                                     

                                                         Same Float different angle
                                            I think this is Paramount 100th Birthday Float
                         Same Float Bumble Bee Tansformer it is 11pm and dark so it is hard to see
                                          I couldn't get close enough to see who's float this is.
                                          Bandai/Nomaco Games
                               I don't know who it belongs to I'll have to watch this morning too
                                          Rear end of South PasadenaFloat
                                          Front end of South Pasadena Float
                                                    I think this is Thailand
                                                     I don't know who this belongs too.
                    Same float.  They are bringing them on to Orange Grove so they are moving.
                                            Odd Fellows and Rebekahs
                                              HGTV front
                                           HGTV back and on the move
                                          I don't know who's float this is, but it was fantastic
                                           Same Float with leopard in forground
                                           Same Float Tiger and temple Beautiful!
                                           City of Torrance
                                           I don't know the crowds were getting much bigger
                                            Girl Scouts
                    I dont know who's float but I think he is a book worm but will be standing in the parade.
                          I don't know who's float but is looked like a tribute to Elizabeth Taylor

More floats were arriving and this isn't all of them.  It was great fun to walk around gawking at the floats and the crazy people from out of town in their Oregon and Wisconsin sweatshirts and caps.  It was a great way to spend the first day of 2012.   Happy 2012 to everyone!  May it be a prosperous and healthy year for all.